Sunday, December 26, 2010

Being Dr. Albert C. Barnes

"The Barnes Foundation would attack...the enemies of intelligence and imagination in art, whether or not these enemies are protected by financial power or social prestige." --Dr. Albert C. Barnes
I so honor Dr. Barnes who wanted his some $40 billion dollar art collection to be kept for educational purposes and despise the actions of all of those who thwarted his will for profit.


Big Mark 243 said...

I really looked at your 'Being Brand' and I have to say that it fits in with how I see the term 'human BEING'...

Not familiar with today's topic to comment, but then, it makes a comment all on its own, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

@Big Mark 243. May I recommend a film called "The Art of the Steal" that explains the background of the controversy about Dr. Barnes's legacy and the crimes against it. If you want to see a website with more details, visit Friends of the Barnes Foundation at

Evelyn Yaari

Haddock said...

Thwarted his will....... I wonder why people go after money (at any cost)