Thursday, April 1, 2010

Being Liberals

There has been a knee-jerk response by liberals to President Obama's offshore drilling announcement without seemingly an appreciation for process and politics. Flip flopping? How about governing? How about pragmatism? I'll wait a bit and see exactly what's being proposed as a complete environmental policy. After all, the many "we are going to die" voices, prominent and otherwise, have gotten very little done.


Tremas said...

It's somewhat like the whole health-care thing: he's going to have to do things that some people aren't going to like, but have to be done, regardless.

I'm proud to say I'm still proud of the fact that I voted for him.

Judith Ellis said...

I agree, Tremas. I am also proud to say that I voted for him. I hope you are well.

zorro said...

I don't see a problem with it. But I'd still like to see us move more towards not being dependent on oil. But I have always found it weird that people get more upset over seagulls or other marine like killed after an oil spill, but not that much seem to care that many people have died in the Middle East over what are essentially oil wars.
Last night, I watched Keith Oberman gripe that there is only enough oil in the area Obama opened up to last 9 years. This, implied Keith, is a good reason not to drill. For my money, it is an idiotic thing to say.
But it is the type of things people on the left say.

Judith Ellis said...

Zorro - I saw both Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow last night and I did not agree with them or their analysts very much.

Pamela Cone said...

If it is going to lead us into the direction of being independent of foreign it's wonderful.

Sometimes I think envirnomentalist put animal life over human welfare.

Judith Ellis said...

Pam - Sorta like PETA, eh? :-) But I am all for finding clean renewable energy sources. I know you are too.

Tremas said...

One thing that many people don't seem to see, is that Big Oil Companies will *STILL* make out like bandits, no matter what types of fuel we come up with.

Mainly, because they are the ones with the distribution network already in place, to move it around the country.

Doesn't matter what we come up with, it still has to get to everyone somehow.

Tremas said...

Oh, and, yes. I'm doing fine. Thank you for asking! :D

Judith Ellis said...

Tremas - I'm not sure that we are altogether worried about more profit for the oil companies. For the reason that you mentioned and our sole dependence on them, they will undoubtedly always make a killing. But adding other sources of energy is the concern, not only for the environment, but for gainful employment and greater energy independence. Happy to hear that you are well in the D. :-)

JOHN O'LEARY said...

Methinks it's all part of the cap & trade wheeling & dealing.

Analisa said...

I don't like everything any President does including President Obama, but I like this. I didn't vote for him, but I am proud he was one of the choices.

Judith Ellis said...

That's something to consider for sure, John.

Judith Ellis said...

Welcome, Analisa. I think your comment is probably true for all rational people and their presidents, eh? :-)

septembermom said...

I agree with Pam about the extremis environmental viewpoint pushing human welfare lower on the priority list. There needs to be a balance.