Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Being a Tea Party Leader

Sarah Palin spoke in Boston today to a crowd of 5,000 of the Tea Party Express. For comfort I watched native Bostonian, Matt Damon, and laughed heartily. Why anyone would go to hear her or worst yet pay to hear her is just so beyond me.

What's up with these people?


Bob Foster said...

"What's up with these people?"…Actually Judith, it is quite simple—there are many, many people totally disillusioned, angry, and frustrated with the way our system of government is currently working…and they have no one else to turn to. They can't follow the people they blame for the ills of the country, and the Republican Party certainly has no leader they can follow—the Republicans are like a rudderless ship being pushed by an ill wind from the extreme right.

As disgusting as Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party movement is, I think we need to take it a little more seriously. As Arianna Huffington said a while back, “…some of what's fueling the [Tea Party] movement is based on a completely legitimate anger directed at Washington and the political establishment of both parties. Think of the Tea Party movement as a boil alerting us to the infection lurking under the skin of the body politic.”

I have also read a few comments from political analysts lately, predicting that a true third party is likely to emerge from the Tea Party. It won't be called the "Tea" party and it won't be headed by Sarah Palin. Of course it will require some true leader to step up and form it, and at the moment I don't see anyone on the horizon that could fit the bill.

But, as the recovery from this recession drags on, there will be more people becoming frustrated and angry, and looking for some new political movement to follow—especially angry people who are also disgusted with the Tea Party.

Judith Ellis said...

Bob - I agree with you. But taking these people who scream about overthrowing the government and whose leaders are touting racist ideology is not a viable option not matter the leadership. In fact, the Republicans have fostered this leadership for years. These people are their base and they are no longer content to merely vote. They want to be heard. They want "their: country back. There are many Americans who are not pleased with the way government is working but an outright revolution as Michelle Bachmann advocates is not a viable option. They will rightfully be crushed by the Armed Forces. We have been there once.

President Obama is making steps towards improvement and the fact that these ragging racists want to rant and rant without seriously engaging in conversation to change policy points more to the fact that their leadership have no plans for America and they feel like this home is not their own. They are more comfortable with ideology spouted by President Reagan and the "we are the champions" mentality of President Bush.

The policies that were implemented, tax cuts for the rich, did not make these Tea Party people rich. But the ideology made them calm, even when there was no real change in their predicament. These people are screaming socialism and it has been polled that nearly all of them are on some kind of government assistance that they rail about. The eight Michigan militia men and one woman who were indicted recently have asked for public defenders. Pulease!

President Obama has implemented tax cuts that would actually benefit them. But they don't care about that. They want ideology. Republican administrations since Reagan have increased the deficit greatly and they were not raging then. There was the S&L crises, and Enron and they were not in the street screaming socialism.

With regards to Arianna's statement, there is no doubt that some of these people have legitimate concerns but what answers does their leadership have? I spoke with Arianna about that particular statement when she wrote it and I largely agree with her article. But again what are they proposing and why is the movement lily white? This is, after all, America. Where are the Chinese, East Indians, African Americans, Muslims and Jews?

Yeah, with regards to that third party I imagine that in time it too with be like the others. There is a single person in the Republican Party who is a participant in the Tea Party that I would follow across the street. And those such as Lugar, Collins, and Snowe who are riding the wave, have caused my respect for them to dwindle.

I have absolutely no respect for Senator McCain and that is a shame that someone who was once honorable has become so incredibly dishonorable. One other thing, I haven't been watching the news much lately because I could give a care less what many analysts have to say. Many see this as political sport.

Regarding Sarah Palin, she is revolting. But she laughs all the way to the bank. She and her secessionist husband, Todd, have no regard for this country.

Bob Foster said...

The New York Times just published an article on the recent Times/CBS poll of Tea Party members, and some of their findings are quite interesting. For instance, the tea party backers are wealthier and more educated than the general public; are more angry than dissatisfied; and do NOT think that Sarah Palin is qualified to be President. I find that rather interesting. As one would suspect, they are also very conservative.

As you and I have pointed out, there is absolutely no actual leadership in either the Republican Party nor the Tea Party. That is unfortunate, because we really need two viable political parties to make our bi-cameral form of government work properly.

It looks hopeless today, but the Republican Party badly needs to have someone emerge from the ranks and shake the living ---- out of them, while dragging them back into the real cosmopolitan world we all live in.

Judith Ellis said...

Yeah, Zorro, posted that link here a few days ago and I read it. It's interesting, though, when you consider that the very wealthy are not paying much in taxes if anything at all. Zorro, also posted a New York Times' link which gave stats that many of those who are making something like 17K to 52K are not paying taxes either. So, if these are not paying taxes anyway, and I'm assuming they must have a savvy accountant, there are vested interests here beside taxes and deficits. We know that there were no rallies eight years ago. These angry folks don't do much but rant. The Tea Party has yet to produce a viable platform. All we hear about is what they are against, very much like the present Republican Party. I agree with you and also hope that a leader in the Republican Party arises for the reason that you have mentioned. To hell with the Tea Party.

Anonymous said...

These people are angry, but they are not honest with us or, I bet, even with themselves as to why they are angry.

septembermom said...

The Tea Party is fueled by anger. Nothing constructive ever comes from anger. Let's hope that Arianna's warning about the "infection lurking under the skin of the body politic" does not result in the "dismembering" of the body of the American people.

Judith Ellis said...

Anon - You are spot on!

Judith Ellis said...

Kelly - I think anger has a place, but I think it "rests in the bosom of a fool" as scripture says. These people seem to have seething anger continuously without reprise, very much like the militias and their kind. Their anger is destructive. But I think there is a constructive anger. Irrationality or hate need not be a part of it. Just my thoughts.

Judith Ellis said...

As the Tea Partiers and Republicans railed against President Obama and Congress, the Associated Press reported the facts:

1) "The massive economic recovery package enacted last year included about $300 billion in tax cuts over 10 years. About $232 billion was in cuts for individuals, nearly all in the first two years."

2) "The massive economic recovery package enacted last year included about $300 billion in tax cuts over 10 years. About $232 billion was in cuts for individuals, nearly all in the first two years."

Shame on these people for their willful ignorance.

Judith Ellis said...

The entire AP article can be read here.

zorro said...

What is unnerving to me is that facts don't matter much anymore. Stories sell. People seem to pick the story they like the best.

Judith Ellis said...

So true, Zorro, and so very sad. This is why stories can be very damaging.

Judith Ellis said...

Oops! Had a cut and past error. Comment should have included these important facts, instead of the repeat the first. (The entire article is here too.)

1) "The massive economy package enacted last year included $300 billion in tax cuts over 10 years. About $232 billion was in cuts for individuals, nearly all in the first two years."

2) "The most generous was Obama's Making Work Pay credit, which gives individual up to $400 and couples up to $800 for 2009 and 2010. The $1,000 child tax credit was expanded to more families, and the the working poor can qualify for as much as $5,657 from the Earned Income Tax Credit."

Judith Ellis said...

The lies and ignorance are overwhelming. But they have to be dealt with. A deceitful story has to be replace with a factual one.

zorro said...

If this article from Newsweek is true, Obama might well turn out to be a progressive Reagan. To do so, he needs the economy to come back. According to Newsweek, its poised to.

Judith Ellis said...

Excellent, Zorro!

JOHN O'LEARY said...

Hold the presses. My own centerfold senator Scott Brown said on TV yesterday, "I have great respect for Sarah." Maybe we should take a second look at her. After all, Scott Brown only speaks the truth - well, when he's not talking about the stimulus package creating no new jobs or the costs of implementing the current financial bill or his humble working class background - or repeatedly avoiding direct questions from Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation about Obama "socialism." Besides, he has a great TV look and a telegenic family.

Judith Ellis said...

Scott and Sarah? How were they even elected to anything, John? Unreal!