Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Being President Barack Obama

There were forty-seven heads of states in Washington for the Nuclear Security Summit "with a final communiqué that pledged to lock down hundreds of thousands of tons of weapons-usable nuclear fuel by 2014, and set a 2012 summit in South Korea to measure progress," the Wall Street Journal reported. The United States, Mexico and Canada have agreed to secure stocks of separated plutonium and weapons grade uranium that could fall in the hands of terrorists. While conservatives continue to rant, President Obama continues to act. He is bringing the change promised on the national and international front.


septembermom said...

This is such a historical step towards peace. Bravo!

Judith Ellis said...

Yes, indeed, Kelly. It looks as if the Nobel committee was just in their assessment. :-) Now, we need to bring an end to the wars responsibly.

Anonymous said...

There are so many who stomp on any attempt to move this country forward.

I applaud Obama and the other attendees of the conference for taking one step forward.

Change is hard, change is scary, but if we don't try we stand still and the world goes on around us.

Baby steps will get you there!

Judith Ellis said...

Beautiful, MWG. Thank you.