Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Being Brotherly

When I phoned my brother Haywood earlier he seemed a bit distracted. After a little while, I asked him if it was a good time. He said for me to go ahead. We had a good conversation as usual. A few hours later he phoned to say he was sorry that he hadn't given me his undivided attention earlier. I thanked him. I also wondered about our integrity and the concern we show each other.


septembermom said...

You clearly have such a strong connection with your siblings. You are all in tune with each other. That's a blessing.

Dave Wheeler said...


What you share with your brother is a marvelous thing indeed. Relationships matter... as the two of you know! Trust and respect are marvelous things indeed.

Big Mark 243 said...

Because of my fractured relationship with my family, I don't think that this was a statement of sibling affection. What I read was a concern for whatever it is that is now coming between you and your loved one.

Judith Ellis said...

Mark - I wish you and your family all the very best.