Sunday, November 21, 2010

Being a Fox Female Newscaster

From this shot of Megyn Kelly to her daily appearance on Fox News it is clear that the more things change the more they stay the same. On Fox the women are simply sex symbols. Kelly is on the cover of GQ with this title: "She Reports, We Decided She's Hot" That's a joke. Fox News sells soft porn daily. With the women on Fox, it's all about plunging neck lines and rising skirts. But what they're pole-ing is more than titillating. It's deadly politics. Get thee to a topless bar. Go!


DB said...

Fox is a joke. I don't understand how anyone can take it seriously. Fox news is mediocre entertainment in the form of a newscast

Judith Ellis said...

True that, DB. I hope you are well.

Big Mark 243 said...

First of all, they are barely 'attractive' and the spread (I am assume... haven't seen it)only shows how much concealer, tape and the right lighting can hide!

As far as a News organization, this kind of 'journalism' has been around and will stay around, so I am less worried about Fox as much as I wonder whay aren't those alternative voices enjoying more success getting their message out.

You have been MIA... hope you are well.

Judith Ellis said...

Hey, Mark! I hope all is well for you in the D. It is always cool to run in to hommies online whom we could have met on the street. :-) All is well for me. I have been busy working on the novel, with the business, and spending other time on FB. Do you on on FB? If so, you may like the invigorating discussions that happen frequently on my page and I'd like to have you there.

zorro said...

Fox isn't a joke, if you measure its influence.

Judith Ellis said...

Hey Zorro! Longtime no "see." :-) No, Fox isn't a joke, the sarcastic "joke" bit was the reality that these "professional" women on Fox, who were their skirts up to the butts, are not serious women of national and international news. These largely blonds are used for ratings and they are all too happy to be used. This spread shows precisely the motive of Fox. These women and misinformation drive the ratings.

septembermom said...

Ridiculous and offensive. Very unprofessional.

Judith Ellis said...

Kelly - I'm totally with you.

zorro said...

Fox markets sex and hate. Kinda strange!

Judith Ellis said...

Ain't that the truth, Zorro. I think hate and sex are the hooks. The thing that repels often draws (many are not devotees but gawkers) and the thing that is beautiful does the same, hooking men especially to the screen. I must say that even though some of the women are attractive, they are most strident and therefore ugly, not to mention the lies they spew. They are also often just downright mean.

Judith Ellis said...

I don't know about sexy for all of those women, but they are often quite hateful. Sarah Palin definitely uses her femininity as hooks. It was so embarrassing during the vice-presidential debate and other meetings. So sad...

Anonymous said...

The Joke is on you guys who fake a photo of a not even close look-a- like of Megan Kelly and then try to make negative statements about her and Fox News. You guys are sad I feel sorry for both of you I really do. Such a sad way to go through life. Do you not all realize that fully at least 80 percent of the country see right through your pathetic attempts to lie about anyone that you Liberals do not agree with. Please try to be more mature. The rest of us laugh at you people. Thank you , Tom

Anonymous said...

The problem is that liberals are all to often willing to lie and pretend to be telling the truth while staying in denial on the facts. Foxnews states the facts and you guys Can't handle the facts,sad truly sad. The only thing you will believe is what you want to believe which is why you guys will stay so ignorant to the truth,once again really sad on your part.

Anonymous said...

Don't be jealous...