Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Being Barack Obama

What awesomeness! What greatness! What brilliance! What strength! What beauty! What humility!

Yes, We Can! This is change we can believe in!

God bless Barack Obama and family! God bless each one of us! God bless our great country, the United States of America!


JOHN O'LEARY said...

Judith, I've been reading through Bobby Kennedy's 1967 book, "To Seek a Newer World" in preparation for a blog I'm going to post this week, marking the 40th anniversary of his assassination. The similarities to Barack are striking. "I run for the Presidency because I want the Democratic Party and the United States of America to stand for hope instead of despair." Stay tuned...

Your enthusiasm for Mr B is well-founded!

Judith Ellis said...

Great quote! Thank you. The Kennedys were such great leaders. I'll be looking for your post this week.

JOHN O'LEARY said...

I think Barack is a true political descendant of RFK. Did you ever read the off-the-cuff speech Bobby gave when he first heard of MLK's assassination? What inspired spontaneity! (http://www.historyplace.com/speeches/rfk.htm)
I just posted my own perspective on RFK on www.rockandrolllessons.blogspot.com

Hopefully Barack will have a smoother path ahead of him.

Judith Ellis said...

John...I checked out the Bobby Kennedy's speech on youtube and was simply silenced by its beauty. I was also silenced by the beauty of your post. Thank you

Judith Ellis said...

And...I couldn't agree more, John, about Barack being a true "political descendant" of the spirit and message of Bobby Kennedy. I think Ted and Caroline Kennedy identified immediately with Barack largely because of this kindred spirit and message, as did millions of voters.