Thursday, May 27, 2010

Being Bizarre

Outside of the Scarlett O'Hara Tea Party theme, Bristol Palin's photo shoot in Harper's Baazar is bizarre. Why would anyone want to see her, let alone hear her at $30,000 a pop? Her son is largely photographed in the spread. Talk about using your kids, like mother like daughter.

Here is a young lady who preaches the abstinence of her fundamentalist faith as a teenage mom while living off the largess of a mother who rose to fame using her feminine wilds, winking her way with seditious "snowbilly" speech. No, Bristol Palin is not a role model and neither is she a Hollywood starlet. Bristol Palin's hypocrisy is just gross.


Opaque said...

I readily agree here. Hehe!

Judith Ellis said...

Yeah, I mean...really!

Anonymous said...

She looks like a sugar addict getting her fix in a cheap hotel. Did they make the dress out of the bedspread? Jeez.

Judith Ellis said...

MWG - Now that is very funny!

septembermom said...

What is a reality show next??

Judith Ellis said...

Probably, Kelly. We, of course, know that her mom has one on the way.