Friday, May 28, 2010

Being in the Media

Glenn Beck mocks Malia Obama's concern about the oil spill, her trust in her father, her race, and her education. There is absolutely nothing sacred with Beck...nothing.

The question is what can be done about him? When will enough be enough that no sponsor will touch him? Somebody is obviously watching him, eh?


zorro said...

Thats Glen Beck. He's clearly a jerk. What I find completely ridiculous (and dangerous for our democracy) are 'serious' pundits being jerks in their own way. For example, yesterday Obama did not know if the head of MMS (Minerals Management) resigned or was fired. He knew she was history, but he didn't know the exact details. He admitted it. After his conference was over, 'serious' pundits went on and on that the fact that Obama didn't not know this detail was something to be concerned about. These people are friggin idiots. These guys jobs consist of waiting around a studio until they are on camera. They probably stay up to date by checking the internet. They have no responsibility,
They don't seem to actually know anything beyond how to parse every word and facial expression the President makes and then provide us with their interpretation. They don't report news, they just tell us how to think about what we just finished watching. These people don't give a rip about our country.

Big Mark 243 said...

Being black and listening to Beck mock the scared cows of family, 'blackness' (which is a personal issue of mine), and education is indeed insulting.

But is it any worse than the shellacking that the Bush girls got when they were in the White House? Amy Carter??

I have my opinion, I am jus' sayin'...

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

We can love and leave them
AS at intervals well have empathy
AND andyou will under jurest pen
ASWE Rrr ALL victims of circumstance mockery!

Tome gill day is a take the micky AND WILL meat treat of great greet from fleet! HA. LOVE ANDRU.

ps Chestmass was told too face! HA.

zorro said...

What is most troubling about Beck is he has a big audience. It's not him as much as the people who listen, because they all vote.
Although it will never happen, they should bring back the fairness doctrine. That would force Beck to either have opposing views on his show (reality check) or have complete shows presenting opposing views. Of course, the Fairness Doctrine went away during the Reagan Administration.

Judith Ellis said...

"These people are friggin idiots. These guys jobs consist of waiting around a studio until they are on camera. They probably stay up to date by checking the internet. They have no responsibility."

Bingo, Zorro! And very sadly, I think this is also largely true:

"They don't seem to actually know anything beyond how to parse every word and facial expression the President makes and then provide us with their interpretation. They don't report news, they just tell us how to think about what we just finished watching. These people don't give a rip about our country."

Do check out my latest post.

Judith Ellis said...

I think that all children of politicians should be off limits, Mark. Period. But there are irresponsible parents such as Sarah Palin who put her children out there for her political advantage and then pull them back when others join in. Regarding the Bush twins, they were in college doing things that many others do. But, of course, this is going to get headlines. I remember the nasty comments made about Amy Carter whom I adored. I also remember that wretched comment John McCain made about Chelsea Clinton. So, no, Beck's comments are no worse than what Amy Carter of Chelsea Clinton got. In fact, the McCain comment was the meanest and nastiest I have heard bar none.

Judith Ellis said...

Nice, WPW! Good way with words there. Thank you.

Judith Ellis said...

Yes, the Fairness Doctrine needs to be brought back. Beck lost almost half of his sponsors this year, but obviously people are still watching him or he would have none. This is scary. I think I wrote here about this intellectual very wealthy friend of my brother who told me to watch Beck's show because he would be explaining how our republic should work. I was in shock.

septembermom said...

The President's children should definitely be off limits for those mud slingers. Terrible.

Judith Ellis said...

I couldn't agree more, Kelly.

Pamela Cone said...

The President's children should be off limits. I do recall when Palin was running with McCain and the President said when asked his opinion about her being an unwed teenage mother was simply it was a personal matter and the children were off limits.

How low will the pundits stoop. Low enough to get the ratings from their hungry anti-Obama viewers.

Judith Ellis said...

Yes, I remember President Obama refusing to comment on Bristol Palin, Pam.