Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Being Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart is spot on as usual and quite funny.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Explosive and the City
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party


septembermom said...

Jon Stewart just "gets it" every time. Funny stuff.

Hope you're doing well Judith!!

Judith Ellis said...

I know, Kelly! He's hilarious and spot on. All is well. I hope the same for you and yours. Love to you...

Anonymous said...

Love it! I was thinking the same thing about Bloomberg's bow tie... hahahahaha!

Judith Ellis said...

Yeah, what was up with that? ROTFL!

JOHN O'LEARY said...

And my senator, Scott Brown, wants to strip citizenship from any US citizens SUSPECTED of terrorism - without due process. Did he sleep through the course on constitutional law when he was at BC Law School?

Judith Ellis said...

The pinup senator went to law school, John? LOL! He is really the male Sarah Palin. Every time I've heard him speak it's just been really embarrassing. Check out my Facebook wall on Lieberman. There is quite a discussion occurring there on this issue.