Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Being Friends

When I was a kid I had a friend who was rich. She was rich and slow. I was not rich and fast. We became good friends. Her parents always looked after me when I could not afford to participate in certain activities and I always defended her if anyone even looked at her sideways. She was always in the "in crowd" because wherever I was she was there too. Recently, she found me online and we have gotten reconnected after many years. She is going through a bit of a difficult time financially. I cannot even begin to tell you the joy I felt in being able to assist her. Friends are forever.


septembermom said...

Wonderful how you can connect again after all these years. That's a friendship made to last forever.

Judith Ellis said...

All of my friends are such, my dear friend. Please keep me posted about your current situation and let me know how I can help.

Opaque said...

Fantastic! I am so proud of you Aunt! I am sure you will give her all the assistance you can!

Judith Ellis said...

I shall my talented nephew.

Dave Wheeler said...


That is so "Auntie J" like...and one of the many reasons I think you are exceptionally terrific!

You are the best my friend!

Judith Ellis said...

Yes, Dave, you reveal yourself as a friend. :-) Thank you for your kind words.