Thursday, March 25, 2010

Being Violent

The violent rhetoric by leaders in Congress has to stop. Minority Leader Rep. Boehner (R-OH) said this about Rep. Driehaus (D-OH) in the National Review: "Take Steve Driehaus, for example. He may be a dead man. He can't go home to the west side of Cincinnati." Boehner said he was speaking metaphorically. That sounds like Sarah Palin speaking satirically. "What's going on?"

A protest is planned in front on Rep. Driehaus' house this weekend. When his address was posted on the Internet protesters were encouraged to "drive by." He has received death threats. Rep. Boehner's words are reprehensible. Leaders have to be held accountable for both their actions and words. Is the one who incite violence as guilty as the one who does the deed?


septembermom said...

The other day, my son told me about a kid who tried to get a group of kids angry and cause some trouble at recess. I told him to beware of the "Iagos" of the world. Those who instigate and incite and push negativity and ugliness. Scary to think that our country has so many Iagos whispering into the collective American consciousness. Let's pray that Americans can resist any temptation to react violently.

JOHN O'LEARY said...

Geez, Marvin's vocals dropped me in my tracks. WHAT a singer, what a songwriter, what a musician, what an arranger...and what a loss.

Bob said...

Boehner really is being hateful. Are there no Republicans who are ethical enough to call him on this kind of talk?

Judith Ellis said...

Kelly - It's this "collective American consciousness" that I worry most about. Thank you for sharing, my friend. Peace and love I send to you.

Judith Ellis said...


Judith Ellis said...

Bob - I respect you. I'm just sorry that there are not more people like you in Washington. Rep. Boehner is the Minority Leader. I think the statement deserves a censure. Rep. Driehaus is a young man with a wife and kids. He said that his kids are now not allowed to go outside and play. A protest is planned at his home over the weekend. His home address was put out over the Internet. This is so very sad.

Judith Ellis said...

DB, dear sir, you rock! What is for certain is that Boehner is of the age where the soap threat would hold weight. :-)

chesapeake said...

My comment doesn't pertain to this post directly, so forgive me for that. I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to why exactly private insurance companies aren't allowed to compete across state lines? I know about the McCarran-Ferguson Act, but seriously, what exactly is the rationale behind keeping it that way?

Pamela Cone said...

I think more artist of today should use their talents for social statements. Art is supposed to enhance the quality of our lives.

Calling artist of all genres to step up to the plate!

Hearing Marvin reminded me of my childhood and my uncles. The voice, the look, the talent

Judith Ellis said...

Ah, yes, Pam, regarding MG! I'm not sure that all art need to represent social messages. But artistic expression comes out of self-expression which often includes social messages, both consciously and subconsciously.