Sunday, May 17, 2009

Being Inspired by Others

Ah, what beauty and inspiration, Beethoven and Bernstein!


Opaque said...

Undoubtedly, an inspiration! I deduce a lot via instrumentals and I kinda like it that way cause listening to music with lyrics make me get scared that I "might" even by the slightest chance or accident write something along the same lines.

It is great to see such great musicians, legends, in fact convey so much via music, via perfect orchestration. It is very very difficult to even imagine where each instrument should play its respective section.

Truly, they inspire me.

Judith Ellis said...

Beautiful comment, Ajey. Thank you, my friend. Listening to the lyrics and the music together can indeed be an overwhelming thing but most powerful indeed. I would that you would write such lines and music. :-) You are a fine lyricist. By the way, the words are those of the Great german poet, Schiller. Beethoven was pure genius and his faith and understanding of God both searching and accepting. Is there a greater way to be?

Marion said...

What a perfect Sunday morning post. Music's marriage to words equals magic. Thank you for this beautiful post.

Synchronistically, I'm reading a novel by M. J. Rose entitled "The Memorist" which is about Beetoven and a fictional flute and piece of music that, when played, brings back memories of past lives. It's a fascinating premise and an intriguing novel. I do think that music attaches itself to memory and becomes the soundtrack of our lives. Blessings from Louisiana on this cool, rainy Sunday morning...

Judith Ellis said...

Marion - I am delighted that you appreciate this post. Thanks for the description of "The Memorist." I love the way in which you have described it. I haven't read it, but it's now on my reading list. Thanks again! There's nothing like a great book!

The Write Girl said...

Classical music is inspirational and Beethoven is a great inspiration himself. It is hard to imagine this man created beautiful music even as he was going deaf. Amazing!!

Judith Ellis said...

Truly amazing, The Write Girl!