Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Being an Ex-Convict II

"I want to get the IRS and kick them in the crotch real good" said the colorful convicted felon and former U.S. Congressman Jim Traficant (D-OH) on "HardBall with Chris Matthews." Traficant was recently released from prison after being convicted in federal court on 10 charges including bribery, racketeering and fraud. He is proclaiming his innocence and is currently on the Tea Party Express.


Dave Wheeler said...


I think it's his "hair stylist", not the IRS, he should be looking for! Seems that no one can step up and own what they do anymore...always someone else who is responsible or at fault for their getting busted.

Judith Ellis said...

ROFL, Dave! I was going to repost that picture that I posted here recently. It totally cracks me up!!! And, yes, no one is prison is guilty and everyone who is released was put there through no fault of their own, right?

Speaking of politicians and ill-legal behavior, it looks Mike Ross (D-AK) down there is getting some heat for property sold waaaay above the state equalized value to a pharmacy chain whose executive said that our health care system isn't broke. Hmmm?

It was reported that Congressman Ross got a total of $1 million - $1.67 million for a property that was just about $150,000. I think he got $400,000 for the property itself.

Are the local papers going crazy down there?

septembermom said...

How sad for him that he hasn't reformed at all during his prison time. To think that he spouts this "righteous anger" on national television. He should just want to rebuild his life. It would be nice if he felt some remorse too.

Judith Ellis said...

Kelly - I don't think you intended for your comment to be funny, but I laughed aloud. It's actually not funny, but it's just the irony and truthfulness of your comment with the balls of Traficant. The image of his hair always looms and this image alone cracks me up--no reform there either! Needless to say, he wears a piece. This guy's a riot for many reasons! But he did make a few very valid points on the show too. So, he's not all bad. :-)

Dave Wheeler said...


Actually the folks down here aren't at all excited about this. One, he's a Democrat. Two, after all the years with the various trials (literally) and tribulations of the Clinton years...this is kinda light weight I guess.

Imagine that...politicians getting sweetheart deals. I do find it interesting however that we have one segment of the Democratic party treating other Democrats like they were conservative Republicans. Saw Michael Moore on TV last night getting all up in Chris Dodd's grill about his "special" loan with Country Wide I believe. Not sure how all of this makes for a better healthcare bill but it's politics as usual on steroids...unfortunately.

Trial Lawyer money, Health Insurance money, anybody or everybody's money...Should it not be about the quality of the policy rather than the quality and profitability of the payback to the contributor?

Judith Ellis said...

Yes, Dave, I assume those would be the Blue Dogs, hound dogs or any other dogs that are in conflict with the others, as Ed Schultz calls them. I thought this was funny.

Donna Brazile made a great point about Michael Moore in the "Situation Room" tonight. Her point essentially was that Moore is not a legislator or the president. These have to pass and approve bills.

Moore is a filmmaker. But he might have a point about Dodd. I thought that there should have been an ethics investigation from what I've read. I think I wrote on it here.

Your final question is a no brainer, but of course it's all about who gets the benefit. Big business or industry should get out of campaign financing. Period.

Dave Wheeler said...


I agree but I might expand the list of who shouldn't be involved in campaign financing to include many other organized entities, like Labor, PACS'S and so on. The Michael Moore's, Move On's, and their Republican counterparts are all looking for an "ROI"...speech, access to decision makers and the ability to have input into legislation, policies, and programs sure ain't free!

Judith Ellis said...

I tend to agree, Dave. I know that Move On got involved early in the game after FreedomWorks, run by former Congressman Dick Armey, started organizing Tea Parties and astro turfing events at town halls sponsored by large health care corporations. They said that they never had to get involved so soon.

Just a question: Is labor more powerful than Wall Street? While I know that labor unions were very important back in the day for the protection of workers to many they themselves have become the enemy of the working people. This is always a possibility without individual and collective responsibility and accountability. The mafia began as a legitimate organization to help the working class and the poor in Italy. I am not seeking to make a direct parallel here with the current state of unions, however.

With regards to Moore, I respectfully do not agree at all. That would be limiting freedom of speech (and art). But this particular issue is before the Supreme Court now. I don't know the details, but I think some movie was banned during the election because it was tantamount to smear or seen as political. Moore is not running for office. He's a filmmaker that is expressing his artistic right. I'd like to know more on the current Supreme Court case.