Thursday, January 14, 2010

Being Teddy Pendergrass



steveroni said...

I'm really "on the run" right now, so I'll be "Bach" later and view the vid. But I wished to thank you for visiting and commenting on steveroni.

In August I went on a 3-week, 3,000 mile ride (motor scooter). Along the way I became interested in cemetaries, and whenever I spotted a notice of one, I went off to find it, took photos. But the most spiritual stuff for me, was reading the inscriptions (Civil War) on the tombstones.

Trip was from Naples FL to Virginia

See you later, Judith--I beieve we met here in 2009???

Judith Ellis said...

Hi Steve - Yes, we have met. You are a violinist, right? I was over at Linda's and saw that you left a message there. I remembered that you were a musician.

I am drawn to cemeteries. They're history. I especially appreciate historic ones. The headstones are beautifully made. They are listed among my interests on my profile.

Your ride sounds interesting! Have you posted about it? You are truly 76 years young! :-)

Patty - Why Not Start Now? said...

Ah, Judith, he was one of my favorites back in the day. Thanks for putting up the video. Such a talented man.

Judith Ellis said...

Yes, Patty, he was such a talented singer and performer. When he was paralyzed I was in high school and I felt so very bad about it. I remember actually paining about it when it was announced that he would be confined to a wheelchair. Oh, my, it was so very sad. A soulful voice of silk and a sex symbol to boot, eh? :-)