Sunday, December 21, 2008

Being on Meet the Press

The guests on Meet the Press this morning included all intelligent and well-spoken women. Competent in business and politics, these women represented all women well:

Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State
Erin Bennett, Co-Anchor, CNBC, "Street Signs"
Michelle Norris, Host, NPR's "All Things Considered"
Andrea Mitchell, Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, NBC News
Carol Marin, Political Columnist, Chicago-Sun Times

Last week Governor Jennifer Graholm of Michigan and Carly Fiorina, the former chairman and CEO of Hewlett-Packard, did the same among very competent men such as Eric Schmidt, Google CEO, and former Governor Mitt Romney:

We are honored by the work these women do daily and made better by their example. They are intelligent, knowledgeable, and likeable; it takes all kind and they make us proud.


JOHN O'LEARY said...

Yup, a good group. I'm a big fan of Michelle Norris. Meanwhile I wonder if Dr. Rice is undergoing some painful learning that will lead to a reexamination of some tenets of her political philosophy. I always thought she was a strange fit in that administration and that one day she'd see the light.

Judith Ellis said...

Dr. Rice has always been a fan of mine, as she is so incredibly smart and talented. It appears that she has a loyalty to the senior Bush who tapped her early on. It was, in fact, the Republican Party that first gave African Americans a go, including General Colin Powell. But, of course, the Democratic Party, breed the first African American President. Powell could have been President as well, but I think the time was especially right for the President-elect Obama.

Frankly, the current President Bush is not unlikeable to me; I am of the belief that it quite difficult to judge from the outside with such a position. I can see the sobering mask descend on the face of the President-elect. He also seems more mature in just these few weeks.

The security briefs are undoubtedly astonishing, not to mention the many problems we now face on so many fronts. I believe President-elect Obama, his team, and the American people are up to it--FOR SURE! It is for such a time that President-elect Obama has come. Michelle will also be an anchor; this is sense strongly.