The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Tea Party Tyranny | ||||
Many of the teabaggers were way over the top. Did you read the signs? Did you see the guns and holsters? Did you see the hats brimmed with hanging tea bags? Did teabaggers seem very much like the "crazy" McCain-rally lady depicted on SNL or the "I'm mad; I'm real mad" guy? Americans rejected this mentality resolutely. The atmosphere at these rallies is that of far right-wing radical gun-toting hate-spewing extremists. In such a crowd, there is no reason why this reporter should not fear for her safety.
What a beautiful child. How sad!
A large prportion of the teabaggers are angry a black man is president.
It can't really be taxes, because they are lower for most people.
It can't be the deficit, because that was created by the republicans.
The people who are anagry are the people the republican party has been flirting with since Reagan kicked off his candacy in a park in a small town in Mississippi that had a hsitory of KKK rallies.
What are these people going to do if (as it appears incresingly possible) Obama turns out to be one of our greatest presidents?
In 1964, the republicans moved to the right. The came back in 1968 because of civil unrest in the cities and vietnam. There does not appear to be anything like that on the horizon.
allen - Thank you. You address some very important issues here. I believe that some would rather secede than be lead by an African American president for some of the very reasons you have written of. But these are not the majority. The majority of Americans are behind President Obama. This does not mean that we have to agree with every policy or plan. But there is something else at work with the teabaggers. This is obvious.
It's just amazing to me that the right wing has no core sense of where we are as a nation. We rejected division. Many of the signs at these rallies were straight up racist. What is also sad is that many of the people there actually will benefit from the President's tax policy as you have noted, yet they railed against it. Joe the Plumber would be one of these.
These groups are always financed and supported by die-hard-right- wing political action committees that are funded by right wing billionaires. The same can be said of the extremists on the left. But the difference seems to be the level of hate that spews from the right. This I have not quite been able to understand. How can such God loving people be so hateful?
There was a good Steven Colbert show on this week. He interviewed a politician from India. 2/3 of the Indian population is poor and they vote at a higher rate than than the wealthier people.
Colbert asked the Indian Politicain
if the poor people vote against thier own interests (like many white people do in this country)
It got a big laugh from the audience.
African Americans have been hurt the most by racism, but it has been used to keep rural whites and working class whites down. In some ways, it is used more to keep whites down than blacks. Politicians don't usually use racist attitides to keep blacks down, they use them to get white people to vote agaist thier own interests.
I belive that only a successful Black president can get the country past this. Its a bit like what happened in sports. Once people realized black athletes were incredably talented, most fans dropped racist points of view when it came to sports. If Obama (and his wife) are successful, it will just seem incredibly stupid to be racist among the vast majority of the population.
I didn't mean to sign my name
"African Americans have been hurt the most by racism, but it has been used to keep rural whites and working class whites down. In some ways, it is used more to keep whites down than blacks. Politicians don't usually use racist attitides to keep blacks down, they use them to get white people to vote agaist thier own interests."
allen - These are quite thoughtful words. It would then seem as if the power structure has more to lose in this. Is this then the reason for keeping certain segments of the population ideologically based or at odds to maintain their power base?
"I belive that only a successful Black president can get the country past this. Its a bit like what happened in sports. Once people realized black athletes were incredably talented, most fans dropped racist points of view when it came to sports. If Obama (and his wife) are successful, it will just seem incredibly stupid to be racist among the vast majority of the population."
This is another very thoughtful point. I do believe that the majority of Americans are with President Obama. These teabaggers seem very much like extremisits. This is also not to say that those who voted for President Obama do not hold some racist ideas.
The beauty to me is the direction that the country is taking. Though after during Reconstruction it looked as if we were heading for great things and we then after Lincoln's death reverted to practices of such laws and separate but equal. But I think we can do it this time, for we are now a part of the gobal community and it is made up of various cultures.
I missed the Colbert show that you referred to. Maybe I'll catch it online.
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