Saturday, April 11, 2009

Being Oscar Wilde

"Life is not governed by will or intention. Life is a question of nerves, and fibers, and slowly built-up cells in which thought hides itself, and passion has its dreams."

--Oscar Wilde

Ah, here is the ever witty and brilliant Oscar Wilde. I see his point clearly, but does it need be so?


Opaque said...

Umm, I too see his point. But, I reckon, at least in some aspects of life, one could prepare or have a "will or intention" to secure something. That adds the extra oomph to getting something and life shall not come as a surprise as the outcome is already been thought of.

But, I've noticed several guys who plan ahead like a chessboard often get shocked and even devastated when everything doesn't turn out to be the way they anticipated.

So, I would say a bit of both; plan ahead but still go with the flow so that you are left with more options. One needs to be ready to expect nothing and accept everything in life. As long as hope is in our minds, we can rise from any fall.

Am I making sense here? My writing in quite informal - forgive that.

Judith Ellis said...

Brosreview, I see your reading. You are indeed making sense and your writing is just fine. I like these lines:

"One needs to be ready to expect nothing and accept everything in life. As long as hope is in our minds, we can rise from any fall."

Thank you.

For me in these lines Wilde sees our experiences as the guiding force in our life, not simply our will or intention. Our very nerves and fibers remember these experiences, harmful or pleasurable, year after year hidden beneath our skin, evading our passions which become mere dreams.

Cynthia said...

I know that there are people whose
lives are governed by will and
intention. However, there are also
the nerves and fibers that is within us all. Every human being
hides some part of him/herself,
mainly in order to keep some part
sacred and to survive.

Judith Ellis said...

Cynthia - I assume the hiding of self can be both conscious and subconscious. I, for one, delight in being fully open and bear, though there are parts of me that I would not like to share. This would be that which would not like to openly be on every stage and in every scene. As lively and outgoing as I am there remains a deep stillness and secrecy. But I think there must be various reasons why each of us decides to be this way or that continually. Life presents itself and we adapt openly or secretly. The secrecy for some is sanctity.