Saturday, February 7, 2009

Being Olympia Snowe

When women are in the Senate, I usually listen very carefully. While not always being impressed by them, Republicans and Democrats, I have always appreciated Senator Snowe. On this blog I have even asked why she was not the Republican VP choice. She is smart, sharp, bipartisan, and focused.

These are the kind of words and actions that have been impressive. Regarding being in support of the stimulus package, she writes:

"The catalogue of arguments in the Senate have spanned the gamut – from those who believed this bill initially was about the right size and the right balance to those who thought it was far too expensive, providing too little bang for the proverbial buck," Senator Snowe said. "However, through true consensus building, the Senate has rightly been engaged in a vigorous and healthy debate to arrive at this monumental compromise."

She adds:

"Throughout our deliberations this week in the Senate, I have consistently advocated for a package that will truly stimulate this economy, not an omnibus bill bloated with frivolous spending" Senator Snowe continued. "We must be vigilant to ensure this is the right package that will address the urgency of our economic crisis and achieve credibility with the American people."


Anonymous said...


This is terrific. ""We must be vigilant to ensure this is the right package that will address the urgency of our economic crisis and achieve credibility with the American people."...Absolutely!

Politicians and supporters of both parties can find the secret to getting things done through is to achieve the types of "true consensus building" Ms. Snow describes. Consensus doesn't mean agreement. It means that after all input is considered, all can live with and upport the decision.

Wonder plans Senator Snowe has for 2012? Her attitudes show some serious "third party style" and thinking that is sorely needed. I think.

Thanks Ms. are the best!

Judith Ellis said...

"Consensus doesn't mean agreement. It means that after all input is considered, all can live with and support the decision."

I love this. Thank you, Dave.