Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Being Bobby Jindal II

Here is conservative New York Times columinist, David Brooks, calling Jindal's response "nihislisim," "insane," "stale," "a disaster," and "unfortunate."

Could anyone have summed up this response more accurate?


Opaque said...

He knows his way with words, doesn't he?

PS: Any new posts on Huffington, Judith? I have registered for it. And, I have added myself as your fan too!!! So, I am hoping to get an e-mail update whenever you post something new. Still, I ask if I have missed anything. I hope not. It is very nice (and educational) to read your very well written posts. I mean it.

Judith Ellis said...

Thank you, Brosreview. Yes, Brooks does have a way with words. He is a conserative writer that I started following years ago, as I watched him on the old McNeil/Lehrer Newshour on PBS.

Thanks for following me on the HuffPost. I usually write at least two posts per week. I'm happy you enjoy reading the posts there. Do read Arianna's posts too. She's quite sharp.

Bob Foster said...


I think almost everyone would agree that the President’s speech last night was great. He exhibits leadership qualities we haven’t seen in a long, long time. I also don’t understand why the Republicans picked Bobby Jindal to give their rebuttal. Surely, there is someone in the Republican ranks who can deliver a meaningful, and thought provoking, speech in public.

On the other hand, President Obama has said all along that the stimulus bill is not perfect, and sadly, there is little encouragement in the package for small business. The President has said repeatedly that he “gets it” regarding the importance of small business in helping our economy recover—apparently that message never got through to Congress.

Of course, we have to remember that the President’s job is not to pass laws, but to try to herd hundreds of strong-willed people (each with their own agenda), through the halls of Congress, toward a common goal or idea. Not an easy task, but if anyone can do it, I think it’s President Obama.

PS: Thank you for the kind words you wrote on Tom Peter’s blog the other day, they were very much appreciated. Thank you.

Judith Ellis said...

"Of course, we have to remember that the President’s job is not to pass laws, but to try to herd hundreds of strong-willed people (each with their own agenda), through the halls of Congress, toward a common goal or idea. Not an easy task, but if anyone can do it, I think it’s President Obama."

Bob - Thank you for that. Sometimes we forget this. But President Obama will ultimately be judged on how he gets the Congress to do its job, especially sense his Party is in the majority.

I wonder about this statement: "I also don’t understand why the Republicans picked Bobby Jindal to give their rebuttal. Surely, there is someone in the Republican ranks who can deliver a meaningful, and thought provoking, speech in public."

Who were they going to get? Olympia Snowe? Or someone who hasn't been in the Congress over the past 6 years of the past administration that presided over the largest deficit of any other administration? In fact, THEIR DEFICIT SPENDING (what they now rail about) has been the largest than all other administrations COMBINED. Ugh! Such hypocrisy is sickening!

The problem with the Republican Party is the hypocrisy, tax cut jingle that hits a sour note and the whole government is the issue sing-song when, in fact, they are themselves in the government. It feels as if their many years of ultra conservative hypocrisy have caught up with them; we are just sick of it! The same will be true for the Democrats if they run the government in ways that the people disapprove of.

What was written on Tom Peters' blog was the truth from my perspective. Your words are always useful and replete with "aha" moments and helpful facts; they are clear and succinct. For these things, I am appreciative. Thank you.